3Rivers Roll

3Rivers Roll

3Rivers Roll Returns!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Introduced in 2017, 3Rivers Roll is a bike party through Wallaceburg that thrives off community support and inclusion. The event brings people of all ages, abilities and bikes to have fun, socialize and discover our town. Throughout past years, a combined total of over 2,000 people from across Chatham-Kent and Lambton County have participated in this slow-roll event, venturing throughout various neighborhoods in Wallaceburg

All Ages. All Abilities. All Bikes.

All Ages. All Abilities. All Bikes.

Our Venue

Our Venue

New to the downtown heart of Wallaceburg, The Glasstown Brewing Company is the place to be! The brewery offers a variety of unique drinks, including specialty craft beers produced in collaboration with local partners & local businesses, as well as Bistro inspired dishes including homemade pizza cooked in the largest wood-burning stove in all of Wallaceburg.

Current Goal

Funds raised will support the replacement of accessible
assistive devices & equipment for our clients who
struggle to afford these necessities

Past Achievements

The generosity of sponsors from previous events allowed Community Living Wallaceburg to purchase
accessible bicycles

Get Involved

Become a Sponsor or ask about our Volunteer Opportunities

Get Involved

Become a Sponsor or ask about our Volunteer Opportunities

Our Sponsors Supporters

Our SponsorsSupporters

mPower Electric

mPower Electric provides a variety of services, catered to meet any and all of your “electrical needs.” Whether it’s for a residential property, or commercial, industrial or rural business, mPower will get the job done.

Eternity’s Touch

Eternity’s Touch provides quality and unique fingerprint keepsakes which, with their “patend pending” process, digitally captures, transfers and creates an exact replica of a person’s fingerprint, so you can be assured that as your loved one your keepsake is one of a kind.

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