Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

“Dream, Believe, Overcome and Achieve,” captures what the people who helped to build this strategic plan, told us mattered most to them. In focus groups, telephone interviews and e-surveys, people who use services, their family members and supporters, employees of the organization, community partners and the Board of Directors were challenged to think about what they would like their life to look like and how our Agency can help them get there. Their words and insights are the foundation of the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and at the core of the services and supports provided by Community Living Wallaceburg.


Through our desire to empower people to dream, believe, overcome and achieve, we are committed to building:


    • Responsive and personalized pathways
    • Better connected and integrated supports
    • An engaged team and supportive workplace
    • A focus on excellence and innovation
    • A transformed business model
    • Greater integration of technology

We are excited about the future, and are ready to co-create it together!”

~ Ben Hazzard, Board of Directors President

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