Families and Friends of Community Living Wallaceburg,

As Ontario has moved to step 3 in the “Roadmap to Re-open” we find some relief in the significant decrease in COVID-19 case counts at both the provincial and regional level as well as increasing vaccination rates. In line with these changes, we have taken further steps to promote the community participation of the people that we support, something that has been greatly missed over the last 16 months. Activities we all used to take for granted like enjoying a meal in a restaurant or going into a store to shop for clothing are finally returning to the lives of many of the people we support. We are also excited to announce that we have received updated guidance from the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services (MCCSS) around visit procedures. For the first time in nearly a year and a half, we are able to resume regular overnight visits for the people we support provided they are fully vaccinated. As a reminder, someone is deemed fully vaccinated 14 days after they receive their final dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine. In the event that the person we support is not vaccinated they are still required to undergo 14 days of enhanced precautions upon their return or receive a negative COVID-19 test. This change will take effect Friday July 23, 2021.

Families will be contacted by an Agency Supervisor regarding the updated precautions for these visits and they  can also be found at https://getintocommunityliving.xyz/visitor-information/. In particular, we ask that you limit activities and gatherings to those prescribed by the provincial framework. Information around Step 3 regulations can be found at https://www.ontario.ca/page/reopening-ontario.

We trust that this is welcome news and hope that it will contribute to a truly meaningful summer.  As a reminder, the risk of COVID-19 remains and we while we’re all excited to get a little taste of normal, it’s important that we remain cautious and follow Public Health guidelines.

Sincere Thanks,

Deborah Hook Signature               Roger Romses Signature

Deborah Hook                                                Roger Romses

Executive Director                                          Director: Community Living Support Operations

Community Living Wallaceburg                   Community Living Wallaceburg

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